Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Rain, Rain Go Away and Come back on...Sunday?

Yes, it rains even in paradise. After only getting a short amount of time on the beach yesterday we decided today would be our beach day. A full on day of nothing but beach. Of course making plans only leads to heartbreak as it has rained off and on all day. So we made the best of it.

About 5AM local time I was awoken by some pretty loud and recurring thunder. Luckily I went back to sleep and we woke up at about 7AM to a light rain. After breakfast the rain was still falling so we decided it was a good time to go for a run since the beach was out at least for a bit. We did an out and back of about 4 miles, and luckily today's course was relatively flat and my calf did not flare up.

Got back to the condo and the rain was still falling so we decided to do a little reading as we sat on the lanai and finished the books we had been reading. Luckily we got a brief break in the rain and decided to head to the beach. Of course once we got there it started raining again, so back to the condo. After a few more of these to the beach, then rain, to the beach, then rain, we decided what the heck and just sat on the beach in the rain. Finally it cleared up a bit and I did a bit of body surfing, while Carri sunned herself.

Now it is about 4PM local time and it is raining again. I guess that means it is time for a Mai Tai.

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