Monday, November 12, 2007

EAS 10 Miler

Yesterday was the EAS 10 Miler. This was the first strictly running race I have done in over 3 years, but since it is still 2 months until the 3M Half and 3 months until the ATT Half, I was not sweating it. This run departed the flat lands on central Austin and headed into the hills of west Austin. The EAS was by far one of the toughest running races I have done as the hills really take it out of you. My goal going in was to running 9 minute miles. As the splits below will show I slightly missed my goal.

Mile 1 - 8.57
Mile 2 - 9.24
Mile 3 - 9.23
Mile 4 - 9.03
Mile 5 - 9.33
Mile 6 - 9.41
Mile 7 - 9.23
Mile 8 - 9.18
Mile 9 - 8.49
Mile 10 - 9.18

So overall I finished in one hour and thirty three minutes with an overall pace of 9.18 per mile. A little slower than I would have liked but considering the course and that fact that I am running 10 miles with 2 months to go until 3M, makes me very happy.


Shorey said...

We had very similar paces, it's somewhat surprising that I didn't see you out there. Hard course for consistent pacing, that's for sure. I think you did a bang-up job, Tim!

Dionn said...

Nice work TIM! WOO HOO!

and have a great Thanksgiving break!