Wednesday, November 28, 2007

EAS 10 Miler - Revisited

Last night on our run Shorey, Carri, and I were talking about how we seem to be all over the map in our runs. One mile is at our goal pace, the next is too fast, and then the next is too slow. Repeat over however many miles we are running. We also marveled at how Wiley consistently nails his miles within a few seconds of each other.

So today I was revisiting the EAS 10 Miler results page to get my time and input it into the pace calculator to figure out what I want to run this weekend, and I was greeted with this little surprise.

Time for the first 5 miles - 46:30.5
Time for the second 5 miles - 46:29.5

So not only did I run a very slight negative split but in an actual race I was really consistent. Very shocking. So here is what I have learned...

YES, I am slow, and I am fine with that, but at least I am slow at a consistent pace. Woohoo.

1 comment:

Shorey said...

That's great! My splits? Not so consistent: 45:56 & 48:15. Yikes!