Saturday, June 30, 2007

iPhone - First Impressions

So yesterday was the big day, the iPhone drop. I decided that it would be nice to have one of them so I searched out an AT&T store close to the house and did a bit of scouting. At around 2 pm I went and got some lunch at the restaurant next door and there were only about 8 people in line. I thought this is promising. So at roughly 5 pm I headed back over there, telling myself that if there was a big crowd I would just skip it but as it ended up it really was not that bad. I ended up being #29 in line. So after an hour wait and a few chapters of my book I had a shiny new 8 GB iPhone (the last 8 GB one that the store had btw).

So here is my real question...

The first person in line got there at 6 pm Thursday. The second person in line got there at 9 AM Friday. And I got there at 5 pm Friday and got the same phone as them. Now if you are #2 or especially #1 do you feel let down that you spent 24 hours waiting for a phone and guy shows up one hour before and gets the same thing? Also are you just a little bummed that you have waited 24 hours and the transaction takes all of 5 minutes? Just wondering.

Alright here are my thoughts about the iPhone after having it for a little over 24 hours.

1. Very cool phone, the internet is really nice and robust. Nice to have full Internet and not some watered down WAP version.

2. Visuals are incredible. Nice to be able to load your own pictures and have them as desktop, call picture, etc.

3. Straight forward just like my Mac.

4. I really like the wi-fi feature, with all the hotspots in Austin this should make the reliance on the Edge network minimal.

Now before you think it is all roses there are some annoying things that hopefully will be worked out with an update by Apple shortly.

5. Have to use the provided ringtones. That makes no sense that you cannot use an iTunes song for a ringtone. I mean it is an iPod as well.

6. You have to create a playlist to import songs into the iPod feature. This differs then any other iPods where you just drag and drop from your Library. Minor annoyance.

7. Some of the existing iPod accessories do not work. For example I have an older iPod in my car that plays though my car stereo with an aux cable, the iPhone would not work in this capacity.

Well that is it. Enjoy.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Urban Assault Race Recap

This is the third UAR that Carri and I have participated in and each year they are hands down the most fun races that we do in Austin. This year proved to be no different. This year's event was also enhanced by the fact that throughout the day we kept running into our friends, Erin and Lulu (who got 4th place in the female division, you girls rock) and Dave and Brian (who finished right before us in the men's division).

As in past years the race begins with a Le Mans style start of running from Run Tex to the bike corral on the other side of South 1st. From here it was a short ride to our first stop...

Rio Grande: At this stop, I had to throw 4 bean bags into a tiny ramped hole that was approximately 10-15 feet away. This took a little time especially since I was so amped up from the start of the race. After leaving RG it was time for the one long ride of the day to...

Subaru: The leg of the ride up to Subaru is a little over 5 miles and is clearly the longest single ride section of the day. Once we got there I was hoping for an easy, catch your breath obstacle. This was not the case as I had to push Carri in a wheelbarrow around a cone course. Luckily it was early in the event and my energy level was still high. Coming out of Subaru we headed to the first landmark checkpoint...

Hyde Park Gym: This is the first of many checkpoints we would run into Dave and Brian (they acted as a worthy nemesis all day long). At this checkpoint the clue pointed us to the next secret checkpoint. After asking around I got the answer as Mozart. At this point I should have just listened to the wife since she said she knew where it was but I still wanted to make a call and Google it. If I would have just listened to her we could have shaved at least five minutes off our overall time. Sorry, honey. From HPG we headed to...

Ozone:There was a tremendous line at Ozone this year. And we waited at least 30 minutes. During this time we conferred with Erin and Lulu and Dave and Brian about the clues. And talked ourselves out of Mozart's being a landmark. Would this lead to our downfall? Read on to find out. While in line, we actually came up with the third mystery checkpoint as one of the 10 foot Gibson guitars that are all over town. This particular one was down on Sixth street. After waiting in line and going through the obstacle course at Ozone it was off to...

Buffalo Billiards: This is where the Gibson Guitar was located, grabbed the bead here and asked if the guy had a clue for us, NOPE. Well then I guess Mozart's was correct after all. From BB we headed down Sixth Street to...

Pure: The challenge here was to find colored letters displayed around the perimeter of their facility. After finding only four of the 16 letters I knew the answer, "Follow your Folly". I told Dave and Brian the answer and then we were off to the...

Last mystery checkpoint: Mozart's. Simply grabbed a bead here and then to the...

Rowing Dock: After removing shoes, socks, cell phones, etc. it was into an inflatable canoe, out around a buoy and back. The only stipulation is both partners had to have their feet in the boat, so no kicking. This was a pretty tiring upper body workout. Quickly getting shoes and socks back on we headed to...

Bicycle Sport Shop: An inflatable obstacle that certainly was not designed to have so many adults scamper through it at one time. Crawling though and over and under and then up a wall and down the other side. Pretty tough but also pretty short. Then it was off to...

Jack & Adams: Here we raced adult big wheels around a course. Carri passed me on the back stretch as I took a turn too quickly and spun out. The big wheels are always fun each year. From J&A we were off to our final stop...

Jo's Coffee: At this stop each person had to walk on stilts down to there partner, then pass off the stilts and wait for their partner to make the return trip. I did fairly well on these considering this was my first time on stilts. Of course my ability was overshadowed by Carri as she was moving with the grace of a gazelle on the stilts. Does she practice this stuff when I am not around? She blazed through the stilt challenge. After Jo's it was downhill to the finish at

Runtex: We re-racked the bikes and ran to the final obstacle another big inflatable water slide, where you climb to the top and then slide down to a pool of water. A nice way to cool off after a hard event.

After-party: One of the reasons we do the UAR every year is not only is it a great event but they have a great party afterwards with tons of food, a great DJ, awesome New Belgium beer, and other fun events such as a big wheel time trial this year. This year we stayed through the awards ceremony and the raffle and were rewarded by winning two New Belgium hats.

Till next year.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

OK FreeWheel Video

Alright here is my second pass at creating a video. Still not great but I am working the kinks out. Hopefully, soon I will be able to take off the iMovie training wheels and move up to Final Cut Express. Key word in that last sentence is hopefully. Enjoy.


This weekend I will be participating in my third Urban Assault Race. Last year they instituted landmark checkpoints. Last year's clue was where did schlub 1 and schlub 2 of the real world meet in Austin. The answer was Mt. Bonnell. This year the clue is the following..."Brachioradialis, Palmaris Longus, Extruded Polystyrene, Flexor Digitorum Superficialis"


If you know the answer please comment.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Day 7 - Dewey to Coffeyville, KS

Well once again we got started later than usual, funny how each day the start time creeped back a little bit. Since this was the final day I wanted to soak in the last bit of Oklahoma, and stopped and took more pictures along the route. The day was a bit anti-climatic as Coffeyville was actually about 20 miles in Kansas. So after crossing the state line and getting a huge rush of accomplishment it was still 20 to go. Oh well. 46 miles on this day with a 17.7 mph average. Then the true fun began with the 8.5 hour drive home.

So here are my lessons learned from the 2007 OKFreeWheel...

1. There is no way this would have been so enjoyable if not for Carri acting as my support/pit crew. She was absolutely amazing. Driving from town to town to have a cold drink and dry clothes for me at the finish. Giving up a week of vacation to travel small town OK. And putting up with me day after day. Thanks babe I truly appreciate it and love you.

2. If/when I do FW again I will spend more time at the camp area to spend more time with the people that make FW such a cool event.

3. Riding for 8 days straight makes one's butt region very sore.

4. Oklahoma really does have hills.

5. Oklahoma, for as much teasing that it gets from Texans, really does have some of the nicest people in the country.

Well that is all for the 2007 OKFreeWheel report. Approximately 420 miles over 8 days and a great time had by all. Be on the lookout for the movie to be posted in the next few days.


Friday, June 15, 2007

Day 6 - Hominy to Dewey

Another late start for me today, when we arrived at the start area it was a ghost town and most everyone had left. So I tried to speed myself up and get out of their quick, well as quick as you can on the seventh day of a cross-state bike tour. The first 25 miles of today's ride was more of an adventure than a ride...heavy rains, strong winds, changed bike route, flooded creeks that caused a dismount and walk across with socks and shoes removed, cows crossing the road in front of me, only seeing 5 riders in those 25 miles and the list goes on. When the sun came out the day proved to be very nice, of course all the rain that OK has gotten I could have used an ark instead of a bike but that is another story.

Tonight we are staying in Bartlesville which is about 5 miles from Dewey at the Inn at Price Tower. It is an amazing hotel designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.

Slow day today due to the rain and roads and hills (can't forget the hills). 52 miles at 16.3 mph.

Day 5 - Perkins to Hominy

Started the ride from Stillwater at roughly 9:30 in morning. It seems like I am starting each day a little later. Luckily the temps are probably about 10 degrees cooler than average for this time of year. The ride today was a mix of extremes: some of the nicest country roads I have ridden on but then also some that time and maintenance crews have forgotten. Nothing like getting the old paint shaker treatment on a bike. A little rain, some good hills and the day ended with 58 miles and an average of 17.1 mph. In the evening we met Aaron, his wife Kristin, and their 3 kids (Avery, Jake, and Luke) for dinner in Cleveland at the best Mexican join in town, some would call it the only Mexican joint in town but whatever...

Two days to go.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Day 4 - Kingfisher to Perkins

Toughest ride of the tour by far. A little over 70 miles with an average speed of only 16.1 mph. The route was basically straight west to east. The negative is that the wind for the day was basically west to east. Nothing like a day of total headwind. This is one of the toughest rides I have ever done (top 10 at least). But after the ride we went to Stillwater and my old stomping grounds. A drink at Murphy, Willies, the Blue Room, the Stables, and a great dinner with friend at Eskimo Joes. Hanging out with friends sure made the misery of the ride disappear.

Till tomorrow...

Day 3 - Hinton to Kingfisher

This ride was pretty nice and short compared to what is coming later in the week. Roughly 40 miles with an average of 20.0 mph. Very fast and wind blowing in the right directions. Got into Kingfisher and then checked into our hotel in Okarche. Went to see Oceans 13, not the best but a good way to kill a few hours in an air conditioned room in rural Oklahoma. Followed that up with a great Orange-Aid at Tom's Drug and then the usual nap. After that we went to Eischen's and they have fantastic fried chicken and plenty of cold Coors (pronounced Cuurs around these parts). 40 winks and then we have to do it again tomorrow.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Day 2 - Apache to Hinton

The day started bright and early at the Huckleberry Inn in Cyril. It was a 10 mile drive to Apache and the start of the ride this morning. The course today was much prettier than the previous two days, but it was also much hillier. Not Barton Springs or Lost Creek hilly, but Southwest Parkway hilly. Today I tried to take it easier and just enjoy, that being said I still covered the 57 miles with an average speed of 18.6 mph. The only negative for the ride was a flat with less than a half mile to the finish. Alright time to get some fluids and prepare for tomorrow's ride.

More from Kingfisher.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Hunkering Down at the Huckleberry - Day 1

Today is the first official day of the OKFreeWheel and the ride is from Comanche, OK to Apache, OK. We stayed in Duncan, OK (10 miles from Comanche) the last two nights and since the route passed right by the hotel I just jumped on the route there. Since this is more of a touring event and not a mass ride there is no set start time, it is leave when you want. I thought 8:15 was early enough for me.

The route was nice with very little traffic but tons of rollers. I of course have not learned the art of relaxing on the bike and pretty much hammer most of the time. So I covered the 52 miles in a little over 2.5 hours with an average speed of 18.7 mph.

Now we are in the bustling metropolis of Cyril, OK (10 miles from Apache) at the AAA 5 diamond rated Huckleberry Inn.

After a nap we are going to a vineyard (who knew they had these in Oklahoma) for a wine tasting and dinner. Then back to the Huck to watch the series finale of the Sopranos.

More from Hinto tomorrow.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

OK Free Wheel Day 0

First and foremost I want to give a shout out to all parents that take their kids on a road trip. Carri and I drove in from Austin last night and after a few hours in the car I was sick of both of us. How do parents drive cross country with kids? We could barely make it 6 hours. Anyway...we got into Duncan, OK at about midnight and and there was a little club in the hotel so we went there for a beer to shake off the road buzz. The club is called Spirits and according to the sign they are the hottest dance club in Duncan. Of course we were two of the 5 people there at midnight on Friday. What does that say about Duncan?

Slept in today since we got in late, that is the last day of sleep for awhile. Since today is an unofficial day it is unsupported and ride on your own down to the Texas state line. I got started around 11:30 and proceeded to get lost within the first 2 miles. Of course living in Oklahoma for 13 years I know that if you are trying to go south but miss a turn just keep going and turn at the next street. Everything is flat and very gridlike. So I finally realized the route marking was on the road and not as signage, once I figured that out I was good to go.

Rode the 46 miles roundtrip with an average speed of 18.4 mph while riding solo and finished around 2:15. Not too bad. Tomorrow I will start much earlier as the heat really came up on the ride back to Duncan.

Till tomorrow...

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Tour de Cure Video

Well here is my first effort in using iMovie to create home movies. Not great but not too shabby. Enjoy.

Two Days Until Oklahoma

In two days we will be leaving for Oklahoma so I can participate in the Oklahoma FreeWheel. This 8 day bicycle tour will take me from the Texas border, through the state of Oklahoma, and will finish in Kansas. I hope to blog everyday from the ride to keep everyone updated. After a really tough week of workouts, I am ready to crush the Oklahoma flatlands.