Monday, July 9, 2007

Random Musings

So I have not posted in awhile so I figured I would. Here are my thoughts in no particular order.

1. Widespread Panic puts on an amazing live show.
2. The Backyard is still a great venue but nothing like it was in the past. Why did the developers have to put a huge mega strip mall right on top of the venue. Can we not preserve any of the town's music venues? Liberty Lunch - gone, South Park Meadows - a Super WalMart, and do not even get me started on that.
3. Why am I such a poor runner? Any ideas? Any thoughts on how to get better?
4. If you plan to ask your wife out for a run with the expectation of finishing ahead of her, make sure that you do. Or you will be asking yourself Question 3 alot.
5. If diet is 80% of the equation, with exercise being the other 20% why do I still eat and drink too much?
6. Holy sh*t, Town Lake is still rushing.
7. If I woke up early in the morning to work out would I feel energized all day or simply be more tired since I did not sleep as long?
8. Is it possible to work out a ton and regress and not progress?
9. It's only 2 months to the first Sunday of the NFL regular season.
10. It is amazing how much fantasy football changes how you watch games on Sunday.
11. It is also amazing (or maybe sad) that because of fantasy I can probably name at least 4-5 offensive players from every NFL team.

Well I have vented and feel better. Maybe this new positive glow will help me run faster.


Kris said...

Look at it this way, Tim, at least you're not a marginal runner and and a marginal cyclist. You kick ass on the bike! And the good news about running is that you can make huge progress in well under half the time it takes to make the same kind of progress on the bike.

As for football, I'll take the NFL because I'm a football whore and can't get enough, but the real fun is college football. I so love fall in Texas!

Tim said...

Kris, if you are calling yourself a marginal runner and marginal cyclist you are crazy. I wish I had your marginal talent.

As for football I used to be college first NFL second but all that changed once I started playing fantasy. Amazing how if you throw a little gambling onto something, how it becomes so much more interesting.

Lulu said...

I am with Kris - I am already counting down the days till college football starts. Hook em! I wish college football was played year round.

When you are barely breaking a sweat on sunday and the rest of us are half dead at mile 70 with 30 to go, you should wonder 'what makes me such a good cyclist?' and try to apply that to running. Either that or get yourself a rabbit to chase on all your workouts. It always makes me work harder when I am trying to catch someone.

Dionn said...

Only 7.5 weeks until College Football starts. THANK GOD! August 30th..first kick off at 7:00PM EST. And really, I'll take any football, just not the arena league. Football whores and cheerleaders UNITE!

I think we'll need to move our saturday morning brick up to 6am so we can be done before college gameday starts. I can't get enough of Kirk...he's HOT!

We get the Gameplan on ESPN so we can watch as much Saturday football as you can stomach...maybe a postworkout football party this fall??

And BTW, come join the marginal runner's club with me. The object of the group is to get kicked out. Are you game?

Shorey said...

Yeah - marginal runner/marginal cyclist...Hi, my name is Shorey.