Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A Year Without...

After going through my tax receipts I realized that in 2007 I gave the Goodwill over 50+ men's shirts. This includes tee shirts, polos, dress shirts, etc. This is crazy. As much as I like donating to charity it is kind of silly that I have that many clothes that I can give away. So this year I am going to try to go the rest of 2008 without buying any new clothes. This should be interesting, as I am a sucker for the sale. We will see if I can do it.

Caveats: I can buy new clothes if any of the following happen - new job requiring items I do not have, lose a ton of weight and nothing fits, gain a ton of weight and nothing fits, some extraordinary event that needs to be remembered (bike tour), some event that has a specific dress code (specific shirt for wedding), or some amazing sports event that demands apparel (OSU making it to the national championship game, Ravens in Super Bowl, Orioles in World Series, etc.) Also getting a t shirt from a race, ride, Muddy Buddy, Urban Assault Race, Oyster, etc. does not constitute buying new clothes.

So that is my plan we will see how it pans out.


MW said...

sounds like you're trying to not be a metrosexual this year.
; )

RHS said...

No chance I could do this...I think the problem was passed down to us from our wonderful mother.

Shorey said...

I like what you're onto here... I have more sh*t in my closet than I need.

Kris said...

God, don't tell my husband you're doing this, it'll give him ideas of things he can "suggest" I do!