Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The End of Duathlon Season

This weekend marked the end of my duathlon season. Now it is time to focus on riding and getting ready for the LIVESTRONG Challenge in October. For the next two weeks I think I am just going to ride exclusively and give the running legs a rest. This rest will be short lived as half marathon training begins the first of September. So for about a month or so it will seem like du training with riding and running several times weekly. Oh well. Here are some of my most recent du results:

2007 Protest Du: First run pace - 8:34/mile, Bike - 20.2 mph, Second run pace - 9:04/ mile, Total time - 1:49:46.95

2007 Darnd'st Du: First run pace - 8:54/mile, Bike - 20.5 mph, Second run pace - 9:11/mile, Total time - 1:55:15.95

2006 Darnd'st Du: First run pace - 8:56/mile, Bike - 20.2 mph, Second run pace - 9:30/mile, Total time - 1:55:48.1

So my takeaways from this is my bike is amazingly consistent, my running certainly has improved over last year, especially the second run, and it was immensely more fun training for these events with a group than on my own.

Have a great day.

1 comment:

Shorey said...

Yes, your running has really improved. You should be proud of your accomplishments, Tim. Yay!