Monday, October 29, 2007

The Bridge

Tonight I watched one of the saddest, most profoundly in-depth non-war documentary I have ever seen. It is called "The Bridge" and deals with those that take their lives jumping from the Golden Gate Bridge, which apparently is a suicide mecca. It focuses not on those who jump but the families they leave behind. It was not an easy watch and many times I had to stop the movie and get some hugs from Carri, but yet is one of the deepest insights into the human mind that I have ever seen. If you have the stomach and the heart for it I highly recommend it.


Unknown said...

You know what's so strange I lived in SF for 4 years and NEVER ONCE did the news mention people jumping off the bridge???

sorry it was sooo sad.

Shorey said...

That's how I felt about the documentary, White Light/Black Rain: The Destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This one was about how survivors of the atomic bombs were actually social outcasts and turned into lab rats in the aftermath. Not something I ever recall hearing before. Terribly sad. But every once in awhile, we see/learn something that profoundly changes us.