Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Well after a really rough weekend of eating poorly and drinking every beer within arm's reach Carri and I have both decided to try to drop a few pounds. We have both been saying this for the last month or so but I hope this time it will stick. I found a calorie counting website and looking at the diet as simple math should help me stick to it. Our goal is lose some weight before our one year anniversary in early November. Now if I can simply stay away from my evil arch nemesis...beer. Wish us luck.


MW said...

why try and resist it?
just slow it down a lil'!
there's no sense in stopping. You can't.

RHS said...

Why stay away from beer all togethor? Just stick with the water I drink, Miller Lite, instead of all the heavy stuff that you like!

Jane said...

Hey Tim - my arch nemesis is the margarita. I try to say "no" every time and every time I end up with a margarita in my hand. I'm not sure how that keeps happening?!