Wednesday, August 6, 2008

New Goal

After taking the summer off I have decided that next year will be the year of the triathlon for me. I am going to buckle down and really train with a goal of completing 1-2 half Ironman's next year. Yeah for goals.


MW said...

you've announced it, so now you're going to have to walk it!
(might want to start liking running again. Just a thought!)

JohnF said...

Noble goal. Good luck.

RHS said...

Good luck man. I guess you will be hitting the pool soon huh?

Missychel said...

dude.....your F'd. Like Wiley said, It's ON now. No turning back. Good luck!!!!

Shorey said...

Before you hit the pool, I would really recommend the T3 swim clinic. Over 6 weeks, they really break down the stroke & give you great drills to reinforce balance and power in the water. Honestly, you'll do better in their clinic if you have no idea what you're doing than if you have developed bad habits. Two thumbs up!