Friday, I woke up and it was still really painful and I was hobbling along like a gimp. After going out to lunch and feeling light headed a few times because of the pain, I knew it was time to see a doc. At the doc's luckily I found out nothing was broken and I only had a soft tissue contusion. The problem is the pain is solely radiating from the area around the second toe, both on the top and bottom of my foot. So I cannot really walk normally as it hurts to roll up on the toes as I walk. I basically do this crazy side foot/heel walk.
Saturday, it was still swollen but not as painful. I was able to manipulate the second toe a bit to try to loosen it up but I still have the crazy limp shuffle walk going on.
Now today is Sunday and the swelling has gone down but the pain in the foot area still continues. Oh well, at least I had a reason to wear flip flops to church today. Of course this is South Austin and flip flops are a normal part of people's Sunday best around here. And now I have an excuse to ice my foot, wrap it, and prop it up and watch hoops all day. I guess being injured isn't all bad.
about 9-10 years ago, one of my favortie hobbies when drunk was to punt kick traffic cones. One drunken night after an Austin Aicebats night, i decided to up the ante and tried to kick over one of those big white wooden traffic barricades. I kicked the #$&@#% out of that barricade, but instead of pushing out, i pushed down at it. Long story short... deep purple colored soft tissue contusion all over the midsole of my foot. I limped around for about 10 days.
Hopefully yours won't last as long.
I have broken both my feet, sprained and rolled my ankles (you've witnessed at least one of those rolling incidents), and foot pain is nothing to laugh about. When your feet hurt your whole body hurts. At least you don't wear heels... well, at least not regularly, and at least not in public (to my knowledge).
Hope you get well soon!!
Is that a new flat screen TV on your wall?
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