Friday: Got to the fest at about 1:45 and headed over to see Del MCoury. Nice and mellow but still had early fest excitement and wanted to move along after a song or so. Next it was over to Bela Fleck for some of his set. After this we headed to the merch tent, and noticed the fire in the background. Carri and I headed over a little closer, and caught a big whiff of the acidic smelling smoke. Next it was time for Peter Bjorn and John. Caught about half their set and then went to look for a hat for Carri. Unfortunately about this time I started to feel a little sick, no biggy I just thought I was hot. Caught the end of PB and J, then over to Wamu to meet up with Jon for Big Sam's Funky Nation. This is when I stated to feel really sick, I think I must have been hit by the heat as I felt like I could not cool myself, I was sweating profusely, was light-headed, etc. Luckily we got in the shade and I put ice all over myself. This certainly helped but I was still feeling sub-par. Thankfully Carri was there with me and really helped me out when I was thinking I was gonna pass out. Love you babe. Anyway I finally got cooled off, drank a ton of really cold water (I had already had 3 nalgenes earlier, but must have sweated those out), took some endurolytes, and ate a protein bar. After this we decided it was best to just call it a day. As we were leaving we did see a bit of LCD Soundsystem from a hill across the street from the park. So unfortunately we missed QOTSA, Gotan Project, and Bjork.
Saturday: Got a late start to try to stay out of the heat as much as possible. Caught Damien Rice who was really interesting with some really slow songs but then some rocking ones as well. A few songs of Cross Canadian followed and then it was over to see Muse. Muse by far was my favorite band of the festival. They put on an amazing show and I would certainly see them the next time they come to Austin.
Sunday: Another late start because of my yearly conflict with the NFL and the fest on Sunday. Really only saw My Morning Jacket, the end of Wilco's set, and the beginning of GLO. All in all I liked all the music I saw on Sunday.
Overall besides getting sick it was another fun ACL, even though I feel the middle level talent was a little weak and was not good enough to draw me out of the air conditioning house to see them in the middle of the day.
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