This summer I joined my first official training group to get ready for the Darnd'st Du. The DD is this weekend and I am looking forward to it. My goal is to beat my time from last year, my secondary goal is to win the Clydesdale division. A pretty lofty goal considering my training this past weekend...
I went to Maryland this past weekend to see my family and here was my training routine:
1. Get in late Thursday night and drink.
2. Get up Friday morning, get in a really tough hill workout, start eating and drinking, continue drinking, eat tons of pretzels, finish drinking.
3. Get up Saturday morning, big breakfast, start drinking, eat tons of crabs, continue drinking, smoke cigar, eat pizza, finish drinking.
4. Get up Sunday morning, think about going to run, but don't, eat huge meal, go to sleep for a mere 4 hours before time for the flight home.
So all in all not necessarily the best weekend of working out going into an event. I guess I just started my taper a little early.
Dude, you have such an awesome cigar photo and you don't even post it????
All things said, it was a great weekend. Stogie and beer photo is really appropriate to go with your blog. Thanks for coming.
Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do. Good luck this weekend!
mmmmm.....crabs. i did not know you were from Maryland.
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